Landlord Partnerships
Why Skyway Towers?
- A proven and experienced executive team
- Strong partnerships with national wireless carriers, wireless Internet Service
Providers and government entities
- Strong, long-term financial investors
- Quick decision making process
- Nationwide site development, zoning and construction resources
- A Partner who understands property and financial issues from the landlord's point
of view
- We're committed to positive landlord relationships
Who we are
- A nationwide wireless broadband tower company approximately 400 multi-tenant
communications towers and an additional 200 under development, headquartered in
Tampa, Florida, providing anchor tenant and collocation opportunities to wireless
carriers, broadband internet service providers providers, microwave backhaul
providers, government agencies and other users of radio spectrum.
- A highly skilled and technology driven management group with comprehensive wireless
and broadband infrastructure and services experience.
- Experienced team in all phases of network deployment, from the RF design phase
through project management to the commercial launch of wireless networks,
Skyway delivers on time and within budget, providing return on your investment.
- Skyway Towers is a well funded company, backed by Basalt Infrastructure Partners.
Basalt collectively manages, across its three flagship funds, $5.5 billion of
infrastructure equity investments.